Danish Aslam

Social Proof

All-in-one platform for data-driven influencer marketing software allows advertiser to manage and track their whole campaign process


Ontario, Canada


Product Design


Web and App



Problem Identification

Advertiser couldn’t find perfect creators for their campaigns, tracking the creators performance on the basis of analytics screen shot they provide isn’t that much authentic, managing multiple influencers at same time is hectic process . Shipping products to creators and tracking it individually takes half of the time they spent on campaigns,


Visualized all the data coming from instagram directly, Used single campaign detail to handle insights, influencer payouts and track their performance individually, advertisers can track the shipments directly on campaign detail page, implemented a solution called media gallery which solves the problem of getting content from influencers and verifying it .

The Process

We had tested each hypothesis with qualitative and quantitative studies, Developing the product design, So that the project was evaluated not only by the number of components and functions, but also by the capabilities and by resolving various issues for a better user experience

System Design

The whole project consist of 200+ screens, creating a design system was very important and crucial part of the process, we created a dynamic design system using premade components and elements from Vue.js library,

Typography and Colors


Poppins Font Family from Google

Primary System Color

Secondary System Color

Font Shades

Headlines and Titles

Caption and Subtitles

Components and Cards

Creating a campaign is a huge task for advertisers, flexibility in all areas of process makes it very complex, we integrated AI based decisions that helps advertiser in quick setup of campaign according to their audience interests.

Web Homepage Design

What client says

We chose them over 50 potential partners because Danish (CEO an Product Designer ) has an incredible eye for design, and he seemed able to make products that people could use and enjoy.

Interesting Facts

Social Proof Raised $115M in first tenure of investments and partnered with brands like GUESS and Tiktok, this product was a market breaker and target market estimated to be $300B dollar soon the alpha version of product will be out , which includes a whole suite of influencer marketing.

Next Project

Banger Games